Civic & Service Groups
Several civic groups contribute faithfully to School Fuel including: Rotary Club of San Marcos, San Marcos Lions Club, the San Marcos Bluebonnet Lions Club, and Mensor Cares.

Local Churches
Local churches supporting School Fuel are: First Lutheran Church, Jackson Chapel UMC, First United Methodist Church, First Baptist Church, and St. Mark's Episcopal Church.

In-kind gifts are important to School Fuel. One way to help is to donate an 18 oz. jar of peanut butter or
Ritz Crackers in sleeves or a 1.5 oz Hershey Bar for the extra sacks that students receive three times a
year to help when they are away from school longer than a weekend.
There are also other needs which
postage, bins, dollies. If you can help with these, please email us at schoolfuel2013@yahoo.com to make arrangements. Your help will be greatly appreciated.

Businesses, Foundations & Corporations
Sponsors include: Ace Relocation, Amazon Smile, Baptist Health Foundation, Barbara and Ted Moor III
Charitable Fund, Berry Aviation, City of San Marcos, Twice Blessed Resale Shop, Carl C. Anderson
Foundation, Cathy and William Davis Charitable Fund, Community First Health Plans, Jose Antonio
Grifols Foundation, St. David’s Foundation, Texas Baptist Hunger Offering, St. David’s Foundation.

Individuals & Groups
School Fuel requires many volunteers to accomplish the mission of providing weekend food for hungry children. Every year volunteers provide more than 2,000 hours of service including packing, delivery, website maintenance, social media presence, fundraising, etc.
If you or your organization want to
participate, you can sign up by
clicking HERE or email us at
Not only will this be hugely beneficial to hungry children, you’ll have a good
time and meet some really nice people.